UAVs with lasers? No way!

UAV's using lasers as a weapon, seems ridiculous and undeveloped right? Wrong. I read some interesting information today about how the major UAV airplane manufacturer General Atomics has been working hard on developing a high powered laser to stop incoming missiles...

Northrop Grumman's X-47B UAV

The X-47B first flew in 2011 at Edwards Air Force Base in California, it began as a project for DARPA's J-UCAS program but soon adopted the goal of becoming a carrier based unmanned air craft and is now part of the United States Navy Unmanned Combat Air System Demonstration program.

Wasp III Micro UAV

Developed under the DARPA Micro-UAV program, The AFSOC selected the Wasp III to be it's Battlefield Air Targeting Micro Air Vehicle in 2006. The Wasp III Micro unmanned aircraft was created by Aerovironment is a quite little, electrically powered unmanned aerial vehicle.

Sikorsky Cypher UAV

This UAV is equipped with a range of payloads, like detector packages, with a weight up to forty lbs. The symmetrical, rounded shroud safely encloses the rotor system, and produces a stealthy signature.

MQ-8 Fire Scout unmanned helicopter

Northrop Grumman developed the MQ-8 Fire Scout as an unmanned autonomous helicopter for use by the United States Armed Forces. This unmanned helicopter is designed to provide reconnaissance, weapon support, situational awareness, and precision targeting.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Aeryon Scout UAV in use with the Libyan Rebels

An awesome video from youtube showing just how well these UAV's can see to spy on Libyan Rebels

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Aviation and Airplane Performance

        There are quite a bit of factors that can affect aircraft performance. If you don't keep in mind these factors you may find yourself in a dangerous situation where you will receive a violation from the FAA or even worse, dead. Aircraft manufacturers provide this information in the form of charts. These are generally located in the Performance section of the POH. Performance charts are usually shown as a table or graph. To get the most accurate result you must use all the chart procedures and guidelines.

        Two factors affecting airplanes are the weight of the airplane and wind. The groundspeed and time en route can change due to the wind direction and speed. Since we know that performance decreases with altitude we also know that decreases in air density due to temperature, pressure, or humidity will also cause a decrease in performance. Humidity is usually disregarded due to the maximum affect only being a 7% decrease.

        Another large reason to determine performance is landing and taking off distance. This can make the difference between hitting an obstacle or rolling of a runway. The runway gradient is the amount of change in the slope of a runway over its length. A gradient of 2% means the slope changes 2ft for every 100ft of runway. A positive gradient may be favorable for landing as it will require less room to slow down, but it also makes it unfavorable to take off due to increased force required to push the airplane up the slope. Takeoff and landing charts for each specific airplane help tremendously with calculating these numbers.
aircraft takeoff chart
An example of a takeoff  distance chart from a CESSNA POH book

        The best angle of climb airspeed is normally used for obstacle clearance immediately after takeoff. Due to a higher pitch attitude your forward visibility is also decreased. Usually you use the best rate of climb after clearing all obstructions. This will give you the highest climb rate. Before an airplane can gain altitude it must have a reserve of thrust. The service ceiling of an aircraft refers to the altitude where an aircraft is only able to climb 100 feet per minute. This is commonly referred to as absolute ceiling since it represents the practical ceiling for the aircraft.

Dragon Eye Miniature UAV

         The Dragon Eye is five-pound, easily carried in a back-pack, UAV providing aerial patrolling and surveillance for branches of the military such as the US Marine Corps at low tactical units levels. Dragon Eye's have  twin electric engines that run on battery power with little to no noise. It is flown independently at an altitude of 150m'. The Dragon Eye weighs in at 2.5 kg, the camera and equipment  weighs 1 pound. It is reported that The US Marines Corps are planning to obtain a more enhanced version of The Dragon-Eye,  better known as model X-63.
            The system its self can be conveniently carried in your average backpack, and can be disassembled into five sections and carried with the 5 kg control station. It has the ability to be assembled in the field within ten minutes. Dragon Eye's is constructed using lightweight Styrofoam-like materials. It has a wingspan of 18 cm once full assembled and weighs about five pounds. The intended missions is then programmed on the control station and transmitted, via wireless modem,  to the UAV. The UAV can be launched either  by a bungee cords or by hand. After launch it reaches a cruise altitude and navigates via GPS. The camera is mounted on the fuselage side and is capable of transmitting live video to a ground station 10 km away, utilizing line-of-sight video data link. Less than a week's training is required for a solider to be able to operate the system.
uav micro

(Photo by defense-update)
            Above is the Dragon Eye system consisting of two air vehicles, four cameras, two replacement noses and one ground control station. The estimated cost of the entire system at full rate production is approximately $60,000-70,000.Further development and testing still awaits  the Dragon Eye such as the addition of a high-resolution 640 x 480 infrared camera, development of a communications relay payload, a communications system, and experimentation with alternate power supplies and air vehicle design to improve endurance. A prototype zinc-air battery  has already been tested on the unmanned drone.
  Air vehicle: 2.5 kg
  Wing span: 18 cm
  GCS – 6 kg
  Endurance: 60 minutes
  Cruise speed: 65 km/h
            Aerovironment is currently developing an enhanced version based on requirements and operational feedback from combat units operating the drone. The Dragon Eye UAV Upgrade, also known as X-63, will receive air frame changes as well as improved power sources increasing its capability's. It will also receive an autopilot for improved landing accuracy and in-flight navigation, and a new sensor payload with an IR and zoom camera that will providing true day/night capability. The system will have a new Level-4 compliant communications control board with 16 software selectable channels for uplink and downlink.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

MAV (Miniature UAVs)

Miniature UAVs or MAVs have been in development since the early 1990s and have developed tremendously over the years. A large majority of the research done to produce these MAVs was done by universities and corporations. MAVs are generally smaller than 2 feet in size and are capable of hovering using propellers or various sorts of ducted propellor systems. You may even see some flying out at your local RC field. They're called quadcopters, and show just how easy aerial surveillance can be with these aircraft.
Quadcopter UAV design

A unique ability of the MAV is its ability to 'perch and stare' or land in a location and film. This has great advantages because the MAV can use tremendously less amounts of power than constantly flying, allowing for weeks of surveillance. One downside is that MAVs are traditionally line of sight, or unable to go beyond 100ft away from the operator. Some onboard cameras have been developed, as well as autonomous flight. This is still in testing but will be available soon I believe.

design mav
A proposed MAV design
Concept MAVs include designs coming from insects, that's right insects. Dragonflies are small, and able to fly in any direction they want. Concept designers have tried taking advantage of this for surveillance but unfortunately have been unable to produce the same size and lift capability. Our technology just isn't developed enough. Some say these could be available in the next 10 years, though.

Friday, October 26, 2012

How do I become a UAV pilot?

UAV operators will be very much in demand in the coming decade. As UAV's are more and more developed more companies are looking for operators of these vehicles. One way of becoming a UAV pilot is by going to college for a Bachelors in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Sciences. This is the path I am taking at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. ERAU is the first school to offer a Bachelors degree in UAS. With salaries expect anywhere from $60,000-170,000 a year this is a great oppurtunity.
After four years at a college for your Bachelors degree I would recommend getting at least your private pilot license with an IFR rating. A few of the companies looking for UAV operators include Boeing, General Atomics, and Northrop Grumman. You don't need to go to a school like Embry Riddle to get education related to Unmanned Aircraft, other colleges offer a minor in this field and can also be a good career path to take.

A cool picture of nano-copters flying in formation thanks to
Embry Riddle is one of the top accredited aviation universities in the country, with great job relations to actually help you find a job when you get out. After being at the school for a couple months I can safely say I should have no issue finding a job when I get out. Numerous job fairs related to a career in operating UAV's have been hosted and there is no lack of jobs. Other ways of becoming a UAV operator include a military track as well as having 8 years of equivalent training in working on or flying UAV's. I will cover these alternate routes to a career in operating UAV's in coming posts, stay tuned!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

A few of the UAVs currently in use

Here's a diagram showing some UAV's commonly used and their statistics. Included are the: Fire Scout, Dragon Warrior, DP-4, Raven, Dragon Eye, FCS OAV, Silver Fox, and the MAV. 
Statistics shown include: Wingspan, mass, max speed, payload, and if they are hover, perch, autonomous TOL/perch capable.


Here's a video of the GCS

Ground control station for the Predator Drone suite.

General Atomic's Predator Drone

The MQ-1 Predator is one of the most widely know and used unmanned aircraft in use today. The predator is used mainly by the USAF (United States Air Force) and CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). Initially produced in the 1990's for reconnaissance the predator has been upgraded to be able to carry a weapon arsenal as well as various other sensors. The predator UAS system consists of four aircraft, a ground control suite, and a primary satellite communication suite. Powered by a Rotax engine and a propeller this aircraft is capable of travelling 400 miles and staying in the air for 14 hours.
General Atomics was originally awarded the contract to build the drone in January 1994. The initial phase lasted from 1994 to June 1996. The predator drone is controlled from a ground control station by a c-band line of sight data-link or a K-band satellite data-link for beyond line of sight operations.

In the winter of 2000-2001 after seeing the result of the predators reconnaissance in Afghanistan Cofer Black, head of the CIA became a vocal advocate of the predator and it's abilities to use weapons against Osama Bin Laden. He also thought that CIA pressure and interest caused the USAF to accelerate the armed predator program. Further tests occurred between May 22 and June 7, 2001. Missile accuracy was precise, although there was problems with 'missile fuzing.' A replica of bin Laden's residence was built and a hell fire was successfully launched and confirmed to be able to kill anyone that was inside.

The predator drone continues to be a huge resource to the USA and our allies. Providing reconnaissance support as well as firepower. At a price tag of 4 million dollars per unit this is substantially cheaper than the F-16 fighter jet. Not to mention no loss of life if a predator crashes.


MQ-8 Fire Scout

Northrop Grumman developed the MQ-8 Fire Scout as an unmanned autonomous helicopter for use by the United States Armed Forces. This unmanned helicopter is designed to provide reconnaissance, weapon support, situational awareness, and precision targeting.

best helicopter

This unmanned aircraft is one of my favorites and has a lot of potential. Although I've been looking at flying airplanes as opposed to helicopters it would be cool to one day get the opportunity to fly one of these awesome machines.

An analysis of the movie 'The Green Mile'

Underlying Values of The Green Mile
            Society has come far since the days of  wrongful execution and ill-conceived assumptions due to race. The issue of humanity has been brought to the surface and the days of the electric chair have passed. While society has grown a lot since the days of inhumanity; it is movies like "The Green Mile" that convey underlying values that should not be forgotten. There is a myriad of ideas that permeate throughout the movie, a few of these ideas include the way John Coffey is treated due to his race. Another would be the opening scene and how the director uses it to foreshadow the truth. The director of this film Frank Darabont does a great job of implying a deeper meaning related to humanity, and whether or not execution is righteous.
the green mile
Picture thanks to:
            During the time this movie takes place there were many laws in effect that treated blacks unequally. What if John Coffey was white? Jim Crow laws were meant to keep blacks and whites separate but equal. While this made sense at the time, often blacks would be thought of as lower class and treated as such. Proof of this is shown when John is called names by Wild Bill  "I don't see why white man has to sit in a n***** electric chair. White man should have his own d*** electric chair." John might not of even been in jail for murder if he were white. The film shows this when John is shown holding two bloodied girls, the first assumption of the parents and townsfolk was that he killed them. No time was left for John to explain, blacks were treated as inferior and their word would not be trusted over a white man's.
            Foreshadowing is portrayed by the director of The Green Mile in a subtle but complex way. In the initial flashback the film only shows John holding the two girls covered in blood after they have died. This is a great way to foreshadow and leave the viewer of the film open to other things that could have happened. Another piece of foreshadowing shown by the film is in a scene where Paul says, "I just can't see God putting a gift like that in the hands of a man who would kill a child." This further hints to the fact that John is innocent. Although John is on the Green Mile and sentenced to execution, John had no influence. The racist slurs portrayed in the movie show that the justice system was not in his favor. In one of the final scenes the movie shows John grabbing Paul's hand and giving him the memory of Wild Bill kidnapping the girls, and stating "You love your sister? You make any noise, you know what happens. I'm gonna kill her instead of you. Understand?"(sic). John is shown as a "gentle giant" which is prevalent in a scene where he asks "Do you keep the lights turned on at night?" This is seemingly childish but points to the foreshadowing of him actually being innocent.
            Furthermore, an underlying value of humanity is prevalent throughout the film. The men of the mile make multiple references to wanting to be righteous and honorable. Paul speaks of "the day of my judgment" and how he doesn't know what he is supposed to say after he kills one of "God's miracles." The film is trying to convey that Paul is a good man and is questioning whether or not it is humane to someone who is wrongly convicted. On the other hand, Percy is portrayed as the rebel and is represented as the other end of the spectrum. Percy says "I think of it as a bucket of p*** to drown rats in. That's all. Anybody doesn't like it can kiss my a**." This is further evidence of Percy's inhumane values. Although he does work on the mile, he supposedly hates the mile. The film counters this when the men of the Green Mile find out that he is trying to transfer to a mental ward for higher pay. Situational irony is prevalent as Percy ends up being a patient at the same mental ward, a job well done by the director.
            Finally, the director intends the film "The Green Mile" to have a deeper meaning relating to humanity and race. John Coffey is portrayed as black for a reason. If John were white, he would likely have been treated differently and might not have even been in prison. The issue of humanity is portrayed thoroughly through the movie and is meant to show the viewer how society has advanced from the times of the electric chair. Lastly, the director does a great job of foreshadowing the truth about what actually happens which instills a further value of whether it is righteous to execute someone based on ill-conceived assumptions without knowing the truth beyond a reasonable doubt.


The Green Mile. Dir. Frank Darabont. Universal Studios, 1999. DVD.

Turan, Kenneth. "Movie Review; Traversing 'the Green Mile'." Los Angeles Times: 1. Dec 10     1999. ProQuest Central. Web. 17 Oct. 2012 .

HUFF, LYNN. "Expectations Exceeded with `The Green Mile'." Sarasota Herald Tribune: 0.   Dec 16 1999. ProQuest Central. Web. 17 Oct. 2012 .

An analysis of Subway

        Health enthusiasts are always looking to find a new place to eat, and that's exactly what Subway is trying to take advantage of. It's all over the news, "Eat healthy, live longer!" What better way to do just that than by eating a delicious Subway sandwich. From the beginning you can see the bright white and yellow of the sign that is obviously meant to get your attention, not to mention the arrow representing how "fast" you can grab a healthy sandwich. On the inside of the store; there are multiple signs showing pictures of greenery and other health foods which shows the everlasting healthy aspect of this restaurant. Subway primarily serves low to middle class citizens although their business does come from all classes due to their competition level $5 foot long, another of the well advertised slogans.
            At the entrance of the restaurant is a single pane glass door, which is primarily used to allow more light in and to compliment the rest of the restaurant. The inside is tile flooring with booths and various tables and chairs of medium quality materials. Other signage includes a  "$5 Foot Long," and an "Avocado Special," sign. These are further indicators of the "fast and healthy" trends of this restaurant.
            The primary population of the diners at subway are white or black, with an even mix of male to females. This is due to a large target audience coming from Subways' national advertising. Age is also not a contributing factor to our restaurant as many ages were found, ranging from 10 to 100. Once again, the majority of our observations show a large target audience primarily geared towards healthy fresh foods, and fast cheap service.
            Although we have a very wide range of audience for Subway, the vast majority of the consumers are low to middle class. This is due to the quality of the subs being sub par to other sandwich chains such as "Jersey Mike's." An unintended purpose for this space would be a homeless "hangout" of sorts where they may walk to sit down in cold a/c, or to use the bathrooms. 
            Subway has done a job well-done for targeting health enthusiasts as well as the average consumer who is seeking a healthy alternative to expensive food. The signage, material of choice, and price of the product helps to serve those who come in looking for an inexpensive healthy meal. Subway has reached out to the majority of the population we studied in the restaurant from every side of the age, race, and sex spectrum. We also found that the majority the consumers are from low to middle class. All in all the entire atmosphere of this subway screams "Eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive!"

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Welcome to my blog!

Well here it is, my blog. Home sweet home. As you can tell I am very interested in Unmanned Aircraft! This blog will contain tons of information regarding the industry of aviation and the relationship it has with the new industry of unmanned aircraft. In my about me page I mention that I go to Embry Riddle and my major is currently in UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems). As I go through college I will update with new and interesting things I learn at the FIRST school to offer this degree. I'll have lots of information you won't find anywhere else!
Predator Drone with a camouflage paint scheme

The field of unmanned aircraft is growing rapidly and expected salaries range from $50,000-$170,000 a year. This has great promise for me and I hope to end up with a career at one of the top companies (General Atomics, Boeing, etc.). I'm currently researching different aircraft possibilities for the future and different job options available to me. You can rest assured you will find valid information in my blog! I will also be posting miscellaneous reviews and essays on various topics as they spark my interest.

Unmanned Aircraft are giant RC planes after all. I have an extensive background in flying and building model planes. More postings to come regarding what I have and will be doing with RC planes!

Tell your friends, and be sure to keep checking in for new articles and information!