Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Northrop Grumman Bat UAS (formerly KillerBee)

killerbee uav airplane
Photo: robotliving.com
Northrop Grumman has been working on a series of low flying unmanned aerial vehicles; they have named this project the Northrop Grumman Bat (formerly Swift Killerbee). They are being developed for the USAF, USMC, US Navy, and the US department of Defense. The Bat is capable of carrying a 30lb payload that is unmatched on UAV's with a 10ft wingspan. In March of 2006 the Killerbee was test flown in Nevada by Swift engineering for the USAF where it met approval by their representatives. The partnership between Northrop Grumman and Swift Engineering ended in 2007 when Northrop Grumman took over the UAS family and introduced the Bat later in their development.

The UAS system only requires two people to fully operate the UAV. Advanced automation of the system makes operation easy. The UAV can be automatically recovered into a net. GCS software allows for reduced operator workload and thus less human error factor. The Bat UAV is launched into the air by a catapult, the functions of the catapult are monitored by the GCS software making user input less necessary. The airframe is made largely of high tech composites making the airplane extremely strong at a light weight. Bat systems with the current engine under development will be able to be in the air up to 15 hours at a time with a payload of 30lbs. Top speed of the Bat is 105 km/h. The Bat's unique design gives it a lower visual and radar profile making it stealth-like. The payload consists of still-image and real time video-cameras. Also possible are EO/IR and SAR sensors, laser range finders and designators, infra-red cameras, communication equipment, and flare dispensers.

With the ability to carry a 30lb payload on such a small UAV there are a lot of possibilities for this aircraft in the future. Nothrop Grumman has picked up on a great project and I can't even imagine the possibilities of this aircraft in the future with newer technology. This aircraft is also thought of something that could be used as a private security measure, border patrol, and to monitor local pipelines and electrical lines.

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